Source code for cellpack.autopack.FirebaseHandler

import ast
import logging
import os
import firebase_admin
from firebase_admin import credentials, firestore
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from import NotFound
from cellpack.autopack.loaders.utils import read_json_file, write_json_file
from cellpack.autopack.interface_objects.default_values import (

[docs] class FirebaseHandler(object): """ Retrieve data and perform common tasks when working with firebase. """ # use class attributes to maintain a consistent state across all instances _initialized = False _db = None def __init__(self, default_db=None): # check if firebase is already initialized if not FirebaseHandler._initialized: db_choice = FirebaseHandler.which_db(default_db=default_db) cred = FirebaseHandler.get_creds(db_choice) if cred: login = credentials.Certificate(cred) firebase_admin.initialize_app(login) FirebaseHandler._db = firestore.client() FirebaseHandler._initialized = True self.db = FirebaseHandler._db = "firebase" # common utility methods
[docs] @staticmethod def which_db(default_db=None): options = {"1": "dev", "2": "staging"} if default_db in options.values(): print(f"Using {default_db} database -------------") return default_db for key, value in options.items(): print(f"[{key}] {value}") choice = input("Enter number: ").strip() print(f"Using {options.get(choice, 'dev')} database -------------") return options.get(choice, "dev") # default to dev db for recipe uploads
[docs] @staticmethod def get_creds(db_choice): if db_choice == "staging": cred = FirebaseHandler.get_staging_creds() else: cred = FirebaseHandler.get_dev_creds() return cred
[docs] @staticmethod def doc_to_dict(doc): return doc.to_dict()
[docs] @staticmethod def doc_id(doc): return
[docs] @staticmethod def create_path(collection, doc_id): return f"firebase:{collection}/{doc_id}"
[docs] @staticmethod def create_timestamp(): return firestore.SERVER_TIMESTAMP
[docs] @staticmethod def get_path_from_ref(doc): return doc.path
[docs] @staticmethod def get_collection_id_from_path(path): try: components = path.split(":")[1].split("/") collection = components[0] id = components[1] if collection not in default_firebase_collection_names: raise ValueError( f"Invalid collection name: '{collection}'. Choose from: {default_firebase_collection_names}" ) except IndexError: raise ValueError( "Invalid path provided. Expected format: firebase:collection/id" ) return collection, id
# Create methods
[docs] def set_doc(self, collection, id, data): doc, doc_ref = self.get_doc_by_id(collection, id) if not doc: doc_ref = self.db.collection(collection).document(id) doc_ref.set(data)"successfully uploaded to path: {doc_ref.path}") return doc_ref else: logging.error( f"ERROR: {doc_ref.path} already exists. If uploading new data, provide a unique recipe name." ) return
[docs] def upload_doc(self, collection, data): return self.db.collection(collection).add(data)
# Read methods
[docs] @staticmethod def get_dev_creds(): creds = read_json_file("./.creds") if creds is None or "firebase" not in creds: creds = FirebaseHandler.write_creds_path() return creds["firebase"]
[docs] @staticmethod def get_staging_creds(): # set override=True to refresh the .env file if softwares or tokens updated load_dotenv(dotenv_path="./.env", override=False) FIREBASE_TOKEN = os.getenv("FIREBASE_TOKEN") FIREBASE_EMAIL = os.getenv("FIREBASE_EMAIL") if not FIREBASE_TOKEN or not FIREBASE_EMAIL: return firebase_key = FIREBASE_TOKEN.replace("\\n", "\n") return { "type": "service_account", "project_id": "cell-pack-database", "client_email": FIREBASE_EMAIL, "private_key": firebase_key, "token_uri": "", }
[docs] @staticmethod def get_username(): creds = read_json_file("./.creds") try: return creds["username"] except KeyError: raise ValueError("No username found in .creds file")
[docs] def db_name(self): return
[docs] def get_doc_by_name(self, collection, name): db = self.db data_ref = db.collection(collection) docs = data_ref.where("name", "==", name).get() # docs is an array return docs
[docs] def get_doc_by_id(self, collection, id): # `doc` is a DocumentSnapshot object # `doc_ref` is a DocumentReference object to perform operations on the doc doc_ref = self.db.collection(collection).document(id) doc = doc_ref.get() if doc.exists: return doc.to_dict(), doc_ref else: return None, None
[docs] def get_doc_by_ref(self, path): collection, id = FirebaseHandler.get_collection_id_from_path(path) return self.get_doc_by_id(collection, id)
[docs] def get_all_docs(self, collection): try: docs_stream = self.db.collection(collection).stream() docs = list(docs_stream) return docs except Exception as e: logging.error( f"An error occurred while retrieving docs from collection '{collection}': {e}" ) return None
[docs] def get_value(self, collection, id, field): doc, _ = self.get_doc_by_id(collection, id) if doc is None: return None return doc[field]
# Update methods
[docs] def update_doc(self, collection, id, data): doc_ref = self.db.collection(collection).document(id) doc_ref.update(data)"successfully updated to path: {doc_ref.path}") return doc_ref
[docs] @staticmethod def update_reference_on_doc(doc_ref, index, new_item_ref): doc_ref.update({index: new_item_ref})
[docs] @staticmethod def update_elements_in_array(doc_ref, index, new_item_ref, remove_item): doc_ref.update({index: firestore.ArrayRemove([remove_item])}) doc_ref.update({index: firestore.ArrayUnion([new_item_ref])})
[docs] def update_or_create(self, collection, id, data): """ If the input id exists, update the doc. If not, create a new file. """ try: self.update_doc(collection, id, data) except NotFound: self.set_doc(collection, id, data)
# Delete methods
[docs] def delete_doc(self, collection, id): doc_ref = self.db.collection(collection).document(id) doc_ref.delete()"successfully deleted path: {doc_ref.path}") return
# other utils
[docs] @staticmethod def write_creds_path(): path = ast.literal_eval(input("provide path to firebase credentials: ")) data = read_json_file(path) if data is None: raise ValueError("The path to your credentials doesn't exist") firebase_cred = {"firebase": data} creds = read_json_file("./.creds") if creds is None: write_json_file("./.creds", firebase_cred) else: creds["firebase"] = data write_json_file("./.creds", creds) return firebase_cred
[docs] @staticmethod def is_reference(path): if not isinstance(path, str): return False if path is None: return False if path.startswith("firebase:"): return True return False
[docs] @staticmethod def is_firebase_obj(obj): return isinstance( obj, (firestore.DocumentReference, firestore.DocumentSnapshot) )